ASPScriptz Guest Book 2.0 XSS

2006-06-07 / 2006-06-08
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 4.3/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: None
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: None

------------------------------------------------------------------ - ASPScriptz Guest Book 2.0 Remote XSS - -= =- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -= ASPScriptz Guest Book 2.0 =- Omnipresent May 18, 2006 Vunerability(s): ---------------- XSS Attack Product: -------- ASPScriptz Guest Book 2.0 Vendor: -------- Description of product: ----------------------- Guesbook is a free open source guestbook.Simply download it and unzip it and upload it into the root directory of your server.It is working now.Smilies support it also added in this version.Admin can disable or enable HTML support.Admin section is also included. Vulnerability / Exploit: ------------------------ From line 109 to line 113, there are the vulnerable code: [...] GBOOK_UNAME = REQUEST.FORM("GBOOK_UNAME") GBOOK_EMAIL = REQUEST.FORM("GBOOK_EMAIL") GBOOK_CITY = REQUEST.FORM("GBOOK_CITY") GBOOK_COU = REQUEST.FORM("GBOOK_COU") GBOOK_WWW = REQUEST.FORM("GBOOK_WWW") [...] As you can see, the variables: GBOOK_UNAME GBOOK_CITY GBOOK_COU are not properly sanitized before being used, so a remote attacker can inject arbitrary HTML code. So, the programmer for delete the bug can modify the source code with a simple replace(). PoC / Proof of Concept of SQL Injection: ---------------------------------------- Not very hard.. :D Just put <script>alert("XSS")</script> in the Name, City and Country fields. Vendor Status ------------- [2006/06/05] Vendor Informed! Credits: -------- omnipresent omnipresent (at) email (dot) it [email concealed]

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